China's deep-sea heavy-duty mining vehicle reaches record depth in sea trials

China's deep-sea heavy-duty mining vehicle has completed sea trials at depths exceeding 4,000 meters, the Shanghai municipal government announced on Tuesday. The vehicle's explorations set six records in the field of deep-sea mining in China, with technological performance reaching the leading domestic and advanced international levels.

In the deep-sea experiment, the vehicle, "Kaituo 2" successfully completed five consecutive dives in the seabed polymetallic nodule and cobalt-rich crust mining area, including one dive to a depth of 4,000 meters and four dives to a depth of 2,000 meters.

The mining vehicle reached depths of 1,802.4 meters, 1,929.9 meters, 1,955.8 meters, 2,048.5 meters, and 4,102.8 meters respectively, marking the first time that domestic deep-sea heavy-duty mining vehicle has conducted deep-sea mineral resource trial mining at a depth of 4,000 meters.

The vehicle also demonstrated powerful underwater rock drilling and collection capabilities during its dives. It has efficiently extracted various types of deep-sea minerals, including multi-metal crusts tightly attached to hard rocks and multi-metal nodules buried in soft deep-sea sediments. Over 200 kilograms of multi-metal crusts, multi-metal nodules, and seabed rocks were successfully obtained.

According to the research team from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the vehicle has achieved six breakthroughs in similar research in China. For example, for the first time, it has achieved a water depth breakthrough of over 4,000 meters for deep-sea heavy-duty mining vehicle deployment operations. It pioneered high-mobility technology for complex deep-sea seabed terrain, and it also pioneered deep-sea multi-mineral composite drilling and mining technology, achieving efficient mining and collection of different types of ores such as polymetallic crusts and polymetallic nodules.

The mining vehicle is also equipped with an environmental monitoring system, which comprehensively monitors and evaluates the environmental impact of seabed plume generation and diffusion, underwater operation noise, etc., providing valuable first-hand materials and data for China's deep-sea mineral resource exploration and green environmental protection mining.

China-Solomon ties 'model of mutual support'

In the five years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the relationship between China and Solomon Islands has positioned at the forefront of China's ties with Pacific Island Countries (PICs), becoming a model of mutual support and joint development between countries of different sizes, Chinese Ambassador to Solomon Islands Cai Weiming recently told the Global Times ahead of a visit to Beijing by Solomon Islands' prime minister.

Solomon Islands Prime Minister Jeremiah Manele is paying an official visit to China from July 9 to 15. 

In addition to Beijing, Manele will also visit East China's Fujian and Shandong provinces. Both provinces are economically strong coastal provinces and have played significant roles in cooperation with PICs.

"In September 2019, China and Solomon Islands established diplomatic relations, opening a new chapter of solidarity, cooperation and joint development," Cai said. "Under the strategic guidance of the leaders of the two countries, political mutual trust has been solidified, the results of mutually beneficial cooperation have been fruitful, and cultural exchanges have been vibrant. This has positioned our relationship at the forefront of China's ties with PICs, becoming a model of mutual support and joint development between countries of different sizes."

"Solomon Islands has firmly stood on the right side of history, adhering to the one-China principle and firmly supporting China's just stance on issues related to Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Xizang, and human rights," Cai noted.

The two countries have maintained close exchanges at all levels, continuously upgrading their relationships and establishing a comprehensive strategic partnership for a new era, he said. 

According to Cai, over the past five years, China has remained Solomon Islands' largest trading partner and top export destination, with affordable and high-quality Chinese goods enriching the lives of Solomon Islands' residents.

Chinese aid has improved local living standards. For instance, Chinese-aid national sports stadiums and Solomon Islands National University dormitories have been constructed one after another, becoming new landmarks in Honiara. 

The National Referral Hospital Comprehensive Medical Center and the National Broadband Network construction projects are progressing steadily and will significantly improve healthcare and communication conditions in Solomon Islands once completed. China has carried out hundreds of small livelihood projects in Solomon Islands, improving local living conditions.

In terms of security cooperation, China Police Liaison Team have been dispatched to Solomon Islands, providing substantial professional equipment and skills training to local police, contributing positively to local stability.

Additionally, China has provided hundreds of opportunities for Solomon Islands people to study and train in China, helping many ambitious young people pursue their dreams and fostering a large number of talents for Solomon Islands' economic and social development.

China has sent medical teams to Solomon Islands and organized the Peace Ark hospital ship visit, treating over 30,000 patients in Solomon Islands, alleviating the suffering of the people with benevolence and medical skills. 

Fruitful local exchanges between the two countries have also taken place, with Guadalcanal Province, Malaita Province, Western Province, Isabel Province, Renbel Province and Honiara City steadily advancing friendly cooperation with Chinese provinces and cities, bringing more support to the people of Solomon Islands.

In April this year, Solomon Islands held a general election, attracting international attention. The O.U.R. Party won most seats, and former foreign minister Manele was elected as the Prime Minister. 

"The new Solomon Islands government has just been formed, and Prime Minister Manele is visiting China shortly after taking office. During his visit, the leaders of the two countries will exchange views on China-Solomon relations and important issues of common concern," Cai stated. 

"China stands ready to work with the new government of Solomon Islands, making Prime Minister Manele's visit as an opportunity to strengthen strategic communication, expand practical cooperation, and promote the continuous development of bilateral relations. I believe both sides should continue to consolidate the foundation of political mutual trust and continue on the path of mutual understanding, mutual trust, mutual support and mutual assistance," he said.

He quoted Manele's remarks in a media interview, stating that the establishment of diplomatic relations with China in 2019 was standing on the right side of history, and it was the most important decision made in the 46 years of Solomon Islands' independence. 

"I am fully confident that China and Solomon Islands, standing at this new historical starting point, will jointly write new stories of friendship, plan new cooperation blueprints, and jointly open up a better future for the people of both countries," Cai said.

China calls on parties involved in Ukraine conflict to exercise rationality and restraint: Chinese envoy to UN

China reiterated its call for all parties involved in the Ukraine conflict to exercise rationality and restraint, effectively comply with international humanitarian law, and avoid attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure, Geng Shuang, China's deputy permanent representative to the UN, said on Tuesday.

Since the crisis in Ukraine escalated in February 2022, the ongoing conflict has led to a large number of casualties among innocent civilians and destruction of infrastructures, triggering a dire humanitarian crisis and generating a huge spillover effect, which is a source of deep concern for China, Geng said at the UN Security Council briefing on Ukraine, the Xinhua News Agency reported.

China remains deeply concerned that the war has not ceased, but rather intensified, and that vicious attacks have occurred from time to time, resulting in serious casualties, Geng added.

There are no winners in conflict and confrontation, and military means cannot bring lasting peace. Geng stressed that an early ceasefire and political settlement is in the interests of all parties, and the priority is to cool down the situation by observing the "three principles" of no expansion of the battlefield, no escalation of fighting and no fanning of the flame by any party.

On the Ukraine issue, China has always maintained that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries should be respected, the purposes and principles of the UN Charter should be adhered to, the legitimate security concerns of all countries should be taken seriously, and all efforts conducive to the peaceful resolution of the crisis should be supported.

China calls on the parties to the conflict to demonstrate political will, meet each other halfway and start peace talks at an early date. Geng also urged the international community, based on an objective and impartial position, to create conditions conducive to putting an early end to the fighting and play an active role in this regard.

China will continue to actively promote peace and dialogue in its own way, and will make unremitting efforts and play a constructive role in promoting a political settlement of the Ukrainian issue, Geng said.

Russia on Tuesday rejected claims of the country's alleged attacks on a children's hospital in Kiev, according to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

Peskov said Russian strikes are carried out against critical infrastructure and military targets related to Ukraine's military potential.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said Tuesday that "many eyewitnesses and other sources" have confirmed that the hospital had been hit by a Western-made surface-to-air missile from the Ukrainian air defense system that went off course.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Tuesday on Telegram that the Okhmatdyt children's hospital in Kiev was hit by a Russian missile on Monday, adding that the strikes had killed 38 people and injured 190, according to preliminary reports.